Three Tales of My Father's Dragon


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About the narrator


1 Opening Credits 00:00:13
2 My Father’s Dragon 00:00:05
3 Chapter 1: My Father Meets the Cat 00:03:21
4 Chapter 2: My Father Runs Away 00:05:52
5 Chapter 3: My Father Finds the Island 00:05:27
29 Chapter 4: In the Cave 00:05:59
30 Chapter 5: Back to Nevergreen City 00:03:22
31 Chapter 6: Elmer to the Rescue 00:04:07
32 Chapter 7: The Dragons of Blueland 00:03:45
33 Chapter 8: To Spiky Mountain Range 00:03:37
34 Chapter 9: Blueland 00:06:18
35 Chapter 10: Escape 00:03:31
36 Chapter 11: "The Dragon Affair" 00:05:24
37 End Credits 00:01:25
6 Chapter 4: My Father Finds the River 00:04:07